December 24, 2006

Modus operandi

Modus operandi (often used in the abbreviated forms M.O. or simply Method) is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "mode of operation". The plural is modi operandi ("modes of operation"). It is used in law enforcement to describe a criminal's characteristic patterns and style of committing crimes. It is also applied in fraud investigation when speaking of behavior patterns that indicate specific types of fraud, e.g., "False identity is a key MO of retail banking sleeper fraud".

December 20, 2006



Tiba-tiba seekor lalat terbang dan masuk ke dalam buih Nescafe tarik aku. Menggelupur buat seketika sebelum terus senyap. Tak bergerak. Mungkin sudah berakhirnya kehidupan seekor lalat.

'Kakkk...masuk lalat lah, tolong buat yang lain ya...' kata aku 'Maaflah dik, kakak buat yang lain ya.' Kata kakak itu.

...dan aku meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa.

Nama aku Mat. Nama betul aku tak payahlah korang tahu, cukuplah kalian mengenali aku sebagai Mat sahaja sepertimana kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia ini. Biasalah kan, korang pun selalu dengar 'mamat tu kurang ajar betul..tiba-tibanya masuk ke depan kereta aku, dah lah tak bagi signal...' atau 'hari tu tayar kereta aku pancit tepi highway, nasib baik ada Mamat sorang tu berhenti tolong, kalau tidak tak tahulah aku...' atau ' Ngko ingat aku tak kenal mamat tu hah? Kalau aku nampak ngko dengan dia lagi, aku bagi kat situ jugak..'. Nama Mamat dah menjadi sinonim dengan kehidupan kaliansehari-hari.

Aku ? Aku adalah seekor lalat dari spesis Musca Domestica atau Lalat Rumah dari keluarga Diptera iaitu serangga yang mempunyai dua sayap. Aku adalah antara 1.5 juta spesis lalat yang berterbangan di seluruh dunia. Aku berusia 8 hari dan pada usia sebegini aku sudah menjadi dewasa. Aku sudah menghabiskan sekolah rendah dalam masa 2 hari, sekolah menengah dalam masa 2 hari dan melanjutkan pelajaran peringkat ijazah dalam masa 3 hari. Kelmarin aku baru dianugerahkan dengan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Makanan dan Sampah Sarap. Tak ada konvokesyen macam Mat Jan, cuma ambil ijazah di tepi tong sampah sahaja. Malam tadi, semasa aku berterbangan mencari sesedut makanan, aku singgah sebentar di lorong belakang sebuah bangunan. Aku nampak seorang perempuan yang cantik. Bergaya dan seksi sekali. Aku singgah sebentar di atas bahunya sebab aku nak survey kalau ada sisa-sisa makanan yang ada sekitar kawasan itu. Malangnya aku dihalau dengan libasan tangannya sambil mulutnya memaki hamun aku. 'Celaka punya Lalat..!' kata dia. Aku dihina sebegitu rupa seolah-olah aku adalah seekor binatang. Aku bukan binatang, aku adalah serangga. Walau aku dituduh sebagai pembawa penyakit dan virus yang merbahaya bersama-sama Sang Nyamuk, sekurang-kurangnya aku lebih baik dari dia.

Seberapa ketika kemudian aku melihat dia dipimpin oleh seorang lelaki masuk ke dalam bilik belakang bangunan. Sekotor-kotor aku, engkau lebih kotor, lebih celaka !. Aku meninggalkan kawasan kotor itu dengan maki hamun di dalam hati. Aku terbang lagi dan aku mengembara di atas bumi Tuhan ini. Aku sekadar ingin mencari rezeki dari rezeki yang kamu buang dan kamu humban di dalam tong sampah. Hinakah aku?. Rezeki yang Tuhan bagi kepada kamu, kamu bazirkan dan kamu berikan pada aku. Siapa yang lebih hina? Aku tak pernah sia-siakan sisa-sisa rezeki kamu. Kalau banyak, aku panggil kawan-kawan aku. Kami berkenduri di situ. Sekurang-kurangnya aku menyapu-nyapu tanganku sebelum menjamah makananmu tidak seperti kebanyakan kalian yang langsung tidak membasuh tangan. Apabila hari dah pagi, aku terbang melata lagi. Itulah kerja aku dan itulah kehidupan aku. Aku singgah sebentar di satu tong sampah belakang sebuah rumah. Deria rasaku pada kaki-kakiku memberitahu sesuatu. Ada banyak makanan. Ada yang masih elok untuk di makan oleh kalian. Sudah rezeki aku.

Sambil makan, aku melihat pada sehelai surat khabar. Aku membacanya sebaris dua dengan mata yang kabur sebab aku mempunyai mata kumpuan yang mampu menyedarkan aku pada setiap kilas pergerakan. (aku pandai membaca ketika usia aku satu hari di sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan lalat). Isi beritanya memualkan aku. Berita dari prosiding Mahkamah, berita rogol, bunuh, culik,rasuah dan sebagainya. Selera makan aku terpadam. Dalam masyarakat aku tak ada berita-berita itu semua. Apa yang biasa aku dengar dalam masyarakat aku hanya berita kematian lalat yang ditampar dengan sadisnya oleh manusia,kematian lalat yang disembur dengan Ridsect atau Sheltox, kematian lalat akibat sakit tua atau kematian lalat akibat terkena renjatan elektrik pada perangkap ultra violet. Berita-berita yang memualkan itu menyebabkan aku segera meninggalkan tempat itu. Aku sudah tiada selera untuk makan. Kalian memang memualkan aku. Sehina-hina masyarakat aku, masyarakat kalian lebih hina sebenarnya.

Sambil terbang, aku terfikir. Kenapa aku dituduh dengan bermacam-macam tomahan? Aku tidak pernah berak atas badan kalian tapi kenapa titik-titik hitam ciptaan Tuhan itu dikatakan sebagai tahi aku?. Ironinya, bila tahi aku berada di penjuru bibir kalian, itu dikatakan manis? Kenapa bila kalian pening-pening dikatakan sebagai pening-pening aku? Kenapa aku dijadikan perumpamaan seperti lalat langau mengerumuni bangkai? Sedangkan tahi aku dan kitaran hidup aku pada bangkai itu menjadi maklumat penting kepada Pathologist untuk menganggarkan usia kematian kalian. Kenapa ada juga perumpamaan 'lalat terbang dipipiskan lada' ?. Eh, itu burung, ngko jangan nak tipu aku. Aku Bahasa Malaysia dapat 'A' tau. Begitulah buruk dan hodohnya aku pada mata kalian. Kadang-kadang aku pun ingin menjadi seperti burung. Terbang tinggi menyapu awan tapi aku tetap bersyukur dengan anugerah Tuhan. Dengan sayap-sayap ini aku belajar erti kehidupan kalian. Walau aku cuma mampu hidup selama 40 hari dan sekiranya aku melangkaui 40 hari kemungkinan aku mampu hidup sehingga ke 100 hari. Itu hakikat kehidupan aku yang mungkin kalian tidak tahu. Aku hanya mampu berdoa agar aku mampu hidup sehingga 100 hari dan aku cuba menghindari kawasan-kawasan berisiko tinggi. Tidak seperti kalian yang mencari mati di atas jalan-jalan raya dengan motosikal-motosikal dan kereta-kereta turbo bagaikan pelesit. Peliknya, aku masih dipandang hina dan bodoh.

Matahari semakin tinggi dan cuaca menjadi semakin panas. Aku perlu mencari tempat yang nyaman untuk aku tenangkan fikiran. Bukan tempat yang terlalu sejuk dan membeku kerana di tempat sebegitu, aku mampu pengsan selama berpuluh-puluh hari dan aku hanya akan sedar sekiranya aku dipanaskan balik dengan sedikit haba. Aku terjumpa sebuah tempat yang berhawa dingin, sebuah pejabat yang cantik. Aku masuk dengan menumpang seseorang yang membuka pintu. Aku terbang dengan ceria sebab tubuhku menjadi sedikit dingin terkena hembusan pendingin hawa. Aku terpandang sebuah komputer yang terbuka dan seseorang sedang mangadapnya dengan penuh konsentrasi. Aku singgah sebentar di atas kerusinya. Dia tidak menyedarinya. Terlalu asyik dia. Aku cuba membaca apa yang terpapar pada skrin komputer. 'Ah !, sebuah Blog dengan nama "Lihatlah Aku Mengerang, Mengerang?"...terdapat sebuah catatan tentang seekor lalat, apa ke jadahnya dia membaca cerita pasal lalat? Tak ada kerja ke dia? Boss dia tahu atau tidak yang dia sedang berpura-pura berkerja? Apa dia tak sedar yang majikannya membayar gaji dia untuk membuat kerja dan bukannya membaca sebuah cerita tentang entah apa-apa..' bisik hati kecil aku. Manusia, manusia... Lalu aku terbang meninggalkan dia yang masih lagi membaca catatan tentang seekor lalat. Mungkin dia ingin tahu tentang ending cerita lalat. Menarik sangat kah cerita seekor lalat?. Entahlah....

...dan aku masih dianggap kotor, jijik dan hodoh.


Lalat itu meninggal di dalam buih-buih air Nescafe tarik aku pada usia 10
hari. Dia tidak sempat menatap terbitnya fajar ke 100 harinya. Mungkin itu
sudah ketentuannya. Kalau dia hidup sehingga 100 hari mungkin dia sudah
menjadi presiden lalat-lalat dan dengan daya fikirnya yang tinggi, dia mungkin mampu mengumpulkan lalat-lalat seluruh dunia dan menyerang manusia. He he he. Jangan marah lalat. (kajian menunjukkan bahawa 80 peratus manusia yang membaca cerita ini akan memandang ke belakang kerusinya dan mencari kot-kot ada lalat...)

November 30, 2006

Karena kau fana

karena kau fana, kulesapkan wajahmu dalam-dalam

di kelopak mata

sebelum akhirnya waktu memintamu

di sebuah musim gugur

ketika sepasang angsa putih menepi

memberi jalan bagi wangi melati

di sebuah telaga yang tak henti-henti kuselami

biarlah, biarlah,

bunga yang luruh menyuburkan kenangan

keindahan itu ada dalam kesementaraan

September 9, 2006

Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman aka Dr. Harold Shipman

Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman (14 January 1946 - 13 January 2004) was an English general practitioner and convicted serial killer. He is the most prolific known serial killer in British history. 236 murders are ascribed to him, though the real number may be much higher.

On 31 January 2000, a jury found Shipman guilty of 15 murders. The judge sentenced him to life imprisonment and recommended he never be released. The whole life tariff was confirmed by the Home Secretary more than two years later.

After his trial, the Shipman Inquiry, chaired by Dame Janet Smith, decided there was enough evidence to suggest Shipman had probably killed around 250 people, of whom 218 could positively be identified. About 80 percent of them were women. His youngest victim was Peter Lewis, a 41-year-old man.

Much of Britain's legal structure concerning health care and medicine was reviewed and modified as a direct and indirect result of Shipman's crimes, especially after the findings of the Shipman Inquiry, which began on 1 September 2000 and lasted almost two years. Shipman is the only British doctor found guilty of murdering his patients.

Shipman died on 13 January 2004, after hanging himself in his cell at Wakefield Prison in West Yorkshire.

Early life
As a child, he attended Whitemoor Primary School in Nottingham, then New College Nottingham. Known as Fred, he was reportedly a confident and clever child, adored by his mother Vera who reportedly favoured him over her other two children. She ruled his life, telling him what to wear and who his friends should be. She died in 1963 from lung cancer at the age of 43. Harold was then 17. He had played a strong supportive role during his mother's illness, isolating himself from his contemporaries. He subsequently attended Leeds School of Medicine in 1964, at which time he met his future wife, Primrose May Oxtoby. They married on 5 November 1966. She gave birth to their first child, Sarah, in March 1967; they had four children in all, with sons Christopher, Samuel and David.

Shipman graduated from Leeds School of Medicine in 1970, and started work at Pontefract General Infirmary in Pontefract, West Riding of Yorkshire. In 1974, Shipman took his first position as a general practitioner (GP) in Todmorden, West Yorkshire. In 1975 he was caught forging prescriptions of pethidine for his own use. He was sent briefly to a drug rehabilitation clinic in York, after which he was pronounced clean. After a brief spell as medical officer for Hatfield College, Durham, and temporary work for the National Coal Board, he became a GP at the Donneybrook Medical Centre in Hyde, Greater Manchester, in 1977.

Shipman continued working as a GP in Hyde throughout the 1980s and founded his own surgery on Market Street in 1993, becoming a respected member of the community. He was even interviewed on the Granada television documentary World in Action on how the mentally ill should be treated in the community.

In March 1998, Dr Linda Reynolds of the Brooke Surgery in Hyde—prompted by Deborah Massey from Frank Massey and Son's funeral parlour—expressed concerns to John Pollard, the coroner for the South Manchester District, about the high death rate among Shipman's patients. In particular, she was concerned about the large number of cremation forms for elderly women that he had needed countersigned. She claimed Shipman was — either through negligence or intent — killing his patients.

The matter was brought to the attention of the police, who were unable to find sufficient evidence to bring charges; The Shipman Inquiry later blamed the police for assigning inexperienced officers to the case. Between 17 April 1998, when the police abandoned the investigation, and Shipman's eventual arrest, he killed three more people. His last victim was Kathleen Grundy, a former Mayor of Hyde, who was found dead at her home on 24 June 1998. Shipman was the last person to see her alive, and later signed her death certificate, recording "old age" as cause of death.

Grundy's daughter, lawyer Angela Woodruff, became concerned when solicitor Brian Burgess informed her that a will had been made, apparently by her mother (though there were doubts about its authenticity). The will excluded her and her children, but left £386,000 to Shipman. Burgess told Woodruff to report it, and went to the police, who began an investigation. Grundy's body was exhumed and examined. It contained traces of diamorphine (heroin), often used for pain control in terminal cancer patients. Shipman was arrested on 7 September 1998, and was found to own a typewriter of the type used to make the forged will.

The police then investigated other deaths Shipman had certified, and created a list of 15 specimen cases to investigate. They discovered a pattern of his administering lethal overdoses of diamorphine, signing patients' death certificates, and then forging medical records indicating they had been in poor health.

Prescription For Murder, a book by journalist Brian Masters, reports two theories on why Shipman forged the will. One is that he wanted to be caught because his life had got out of control, the other that he planned to retire at fifty-five and leave the country.

Trial and imprisonment
Shipman's trial, presided over by Mr Justice Forbes, began on 5 October 1999. Shipman was prosecuted for the murders of Marie West, Irene Turner, Lizzie Adams, Jean Lilley, Ivy Lomas, Jermaine Ankrah, Muriel Grimshaw, Marie Quinn, Kathleen Wagstaff, Bianka Pomfret, Norah Nuttall, Pamela Hillier, Maureen Ward, Winifred Mellor, Joan Melia, and Kathleen Grundy. All of these women died between 1995 and 1998.

After deliberating six days, the jury convicted Shipman, on 31 January 2000, of killing 15 patients by lethal injections of diamorphine, and forging the will of Kathleen Grundy. The trial judge sentenced him to 15 concurrent life sentences and recommended he never be released. Shipman also received four years for forging the will. Two years later, Home Secretary David Blunkett confirmed the judge's recommendation that Shipman never be released, just months before British government ministers lost their power to set minimum terms for prisoners.

In February 2002, the General Medical Council formally struck Shipman off their register.

Shipman consistently denied his guilt, disputing the forensic evidence against him. He never made any statements about his actions. His defence tried, but failed, to have the count of murder of Mrs Grundy, where a clear motive was alleged, tried separately from the others, where no obvious motive was apparent.

Though many other cases could have been brought to court, the authorities concluded it would be hard to have a fair trial, in view of the enormous publicity surrounding the original trial. Also, given the sentences from the first trial, a further trial was unnecessary. The Shipman Inquiry concluded Shipman was probably responsible for about 250 deaths. The Shipman Inquiry also suggested that he liked to use drugs recreationally.

Despite the prosecutions of Dr John Bodkin Adams in 1957, Dr Leonard Arthur in 1981, and Dr Thomas Lodwig in 1990 (amongst others), Shipman is the only doctor in British legal history found guilty of killing patients. According to historian Pamela Cullen, Adams also had been a serial killer, but since he "was found not guilty, there was no impetus to examine the flaws in the system until the Shipman case. Had these issues been addressed earlier, it may have been more difficult for Shipman to commit his crimes."

Shipman was found hanged in his cell at Wakefield Prison at 6:20am on 13 January 2004, on the eve of his 58th birthday, and was pronounced dead at 8:10am. A Prison Service statement indicated that Shipman had hanged himself from the window bars of his cell using bed sheets. Some British tabloids expressed joy at his suicide and encouraged other serial killers to follow his example; The Sun ran a celebratory front page headline, "Ship Ship hooray!"

Some of the victims' families, however, said they felt cheated, as his suicide meant they would never have the satisfaction of Shipman's confession, and answers as to why he committed his crimes. David Blunkett noted that celebration was tempting, saying: "You wake up and you receive a call telling you Shipman has topped himself and you think, is it too early to open a bottle? And then you discover that everybody's very upset that he's done it".

Shipman's motive for suicide was never established, although he had reportedly told his probation officer that he was considering suicide so that his widow could receive a National Health Service (NHS) pension and lump sum, even though he had been stripped of his own pension. His wife received a full NHS pension, which she would not have been entitled to if he had died after the age of 60. FBI "profiler" John Douglas asserted that serial killers are usually obsessed with manipulation and control, and killing themselves in police custody, or committing "suicide by cop", can be a final act of control.

Shortly after Shipman's death, Sir David Ramsbotham wrote an article in The Guardian newspaper, urging that whole life sentencing be replaced by indefinite sentencing. He said indefinite sentences would be better than whole life sentences because, while a prisoner might still never be released, they would always have the hope that they might. However, the ethics of intentionally misleading prisoners, by using this form of sentencing for those who have no chance of release, is debatable.

It is unclear when Shipman started killing people, or even how many he killed. A report into Shipman's activities submitted in July 2002 concluded that he had killed at least 215 of his patients between 1975 and 1998, during which time he practiced in Todmorden, West Yorkshire (1974 - 1975) and Hyde, Greater Manchester (1977 - 1998). Dame Janet Smith, the judge who submitted the report, admitted that many more suspicious deaths could not be definitively ascribed to him. Most of his victims were elderly women in good health.

In her sixth and final report, issued on 24 January 2005, Smith reported that she believed that Shipman had killed three patients, and she had serious suspicions about four further deaths, including that of a four-year-old girl, during the early stage of his medical career at Pontefract General Hospital, West Riding, Yorkshire. Smith concluded the probable number of Shipman's victims between 1971 and 1998 was 250. In total, 459 people died while under his care. It is uncertain how many of these were Shipman's victims, as Shipman was often the only person to certify a death.

The Shipman Inquiry also recommended changes to the structure of the General Medical Council.

The General Medical Council charged six doctors who signed cremation forms for Shipman's victims with misconduct, claiming they should have noticed the pattern between Shipman's home visits and his patients' deaths. All these doctors were found not guilty. Shipman's widow, Primrose Shipman, was called to give evidence about two of the deaths during the inquiry. She maintained her husband's innocence both before and after the prosecution.

In October 2005, a similar hearing was held against two doctors who worked at Tameside General Hospital in 1994, who failed to detect that Shipman deliberately administered a "grossly excessive" dose of morphine.

A 2005 inquiry into Shipman's suicide found that it "could not have been predicted or prevented," but that procedures should nonetheless be re-examined.

In 2005, it came to light that Shipman might have stolen jewellery from his victims. Over £10,000 worth of jewellery had been found in his garage in 1998, and in March 2005, with Primrose Shipman pressing for it to be returned to her, police wrote to the families of Shipman's victims asking them to identify the jewellery.

Unidentified items were handed to the Assets Recovery Agency in May. In August the investigation ended: 66 pieces were returned to Primrose Shipman and 33 pieces, which she confirmed were not hers, were auctioned. The proceeds of the auction went to Tameside Victim Support. The only piece actually returned to a murdered patient's family was a platinum-diamond ring, for which the family were able to provide a photograph as proof of ownership.

A memorial garden to Shipman's victims, called the Garden of Tranquillity, opened in Hyde Park (Hyde) on 30 July 2005.

Cultural Impact
Harold and Fred (They Make Ladies Dead) was a 2001 strip cartoon in Viz, also featuring serial killer Fred West. Extracts from the strip were subsequently merchandised as a coffee mug.

Shipman, a television dramatisation of the case, was made in 2002 and starred James Bolam in the title role. The case was also referenced in an episode of the television series Diagnosis: Unknown called "Deadly Medicine" (Season 2, Episode 17, 2003). Shipman's activities also inspired D.A.W., an episode of the American TV series Law & Order: Criminal Intent. In it, the police investigate a physician who they discover has killed 200 of his patients.

Both The Fall and Jonathan King have released songs about Shipman. The Fall's song is titled "What about Us?" King's song became controversial when, six months after its release, it was reported to be in Shipman's defence, urging listeners not to "fall for a media demon".

BBC Television series Gavin & Stacey features characters with the surname Shipman and West in reference to Harold Shipman and Fred West

June 22, 2006

Saddam oh Saddam

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Kutulis Senyummu Sebagai Warna yang Hilang

Kulukis senyummu sebagai warna yang hilang. Keping-keping rahasia menjangkau dadaku. Akupun berdendang dalam palung terdalam. Menarikan cinta bergaram sepi dan kecemasan. (Dan sungguh tahu sebatang igaku telah hilang). Sementara kau terus nyalakan

kata membakari dusta. Hingga leleh karat topeng-topeng. Bebungaan tumbuh mengiringmu. Langkahmu pun menjelma tarian benderang, lebih dari sekedar rintik hujan. Menepikan kenakalanku. Akulah sepi,
setebah bumi yang dahaga. Kulihat langit merendah mengibar kerudungmu.

Dan kubaca milyaran pagar terentang bagi gunung-gunung angkaku yang meliar. Hingga kutuntun seutas sungai airmata menempuh ujung kerudungmu. Jazirah dimana cecahya terbit memadamkan tawa yang dikirim ocehan radio, internet, televisi, dan lampu-lampu. Dan terus kulukis senyummu sebagai warna yang hilang. Sebab sumur-sumur sekarat di hatiku. Lihatlah, aku mengerang! Mengerang?

June 20, 2006


Let's face it English is a weird language. There is no egg in eggplant or ham in hamburger; neither apple nor or pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbread, which aren't sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. and why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, two geese. So one moose, two meese? One index, 2 indeces?
If teachers taught, why don't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If you wrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?

In what language do people recite a play and play a recital? Ship by a truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on parkways?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few alike? How can weather be as hot as hell one day and as cold as hell another?

You have to marvel at the lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on.
People, not computers, invented English and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which is not a race at all). That is why, when the stars come out, they ar visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay. I end it.